If you have made it to this page – I welcome you! You are a step away from refining your breadth of knowledge, professionalism and expertise in the field of Modern Wellness & therapeutic tools.
What is covered in this course?
We will study:
- Embodiment and breathwork principles,
- Neuroscience (your brain, common mood pathologies, and how it works)
- Advanced physiology and yoga therapeutics all wrapped into one course.
- There is a STRONG nervous system (neuroscience) component.
- Contextually, we will also discuss what defines “modern” and what is “wellness?”
- We will look at wellness’ history as well as where we are now in yoga, fields of wellness and the varying fields within mental health.
Who is this for? This is a diverse education for those who love to learn and are excited to be a student. Individuals in the fields of counselling/psychology, sciences/physiology, health and wellness, yoga, mentoring/coaching will especially reap benefit from this course.
This 300hr education will be broken up by spending two beautiful weeks in my favourite oceanside paradise of Los Cardones, Nicaragua.
If you have any questions, please email juliamariemccabe@gmail.com – either Julia or her assistant will be happy to answer you!
(PS if you scroll to the bottom, a poetic Vimeo filmed by Pete Longworth in 2013 was taken during a 300Hr taught at Los Cardones. It will give you an idea of the property’s beauty. Also link to loscardones.com to view the property).
My history runs deep with Los Cardones, as it has been a second home for me through thick and thin! It is safe, beautiful and an idyllic setting to study and move your body in.
The location of Los Cardones is a 90-min drive from Managua International Airport. We will pick you up from the airport! The eco-lodge is remote, far away from bars, shops or cheesy tourist traps – allowing for peaceful study and practice. The easiness of the cool stone paths toward ocean beneath your bare feet, and the gentle canopies of cabana blending in with jungle leaves are all designed and built by Izic, one of the owners. It is quiet, vast and has an auspicious energy that reflect the ancient petroglyphs a few hundred feet behind the grounds.
The owners of Los Cardones are cool as heck and down to earth. Laure and Izic are originally from France/Florida. They met in school, graduated with impressive degrees in Engineering, and then canned the idea of a conventional office job that denied them of their passion for surf. They scouted the Pacific coast to build their dream and found it! Twenty years later, Los Cardones has survived a pandemic and protests. Izic and Laure have lived full time in Nicaragua through it all, where they have raised three beautiful children. There is a wave called “Laure’s Wave” where I would watch her surf years ago during her third pregnancy with ease…no big deal!
Is it safe? Yes. I have travelled to Los Cardones solo many times. Nicaragua has had its history of civil unrest and protests – which is sad and mostly fuelled by covert corruption. If you go to the Gov of Can website it will caution you as a traveller. However, the country has been virtually quiet and you will not feel any of this history at Los Cardones. At Los Cardones all cabins have safety lock-deposit boxes, locked doors and a security staff is onsite 24-7. In my twelve years there has only been one incident (theft) that was quickly handled by Izic and Laure.
Like anywhere (consider Vancouver’s crime!) Nica is a 2/3rd world country where you need to exercise common sense: locking doors, not assuming that you can leave valuables unattended and not walking the city streets at night alone when you’re in Managua. All common sense!
The time of year, weather, and surf: If you’re a surfer, October is the end of rainy season. The ocean can still be filled with smaller, beautiful waves in between the storms. (I’m not a surfer, but I say all of this with some knowledge of having been there at all times of year). You will have full access to the ocean that is virtually empty of lineups and Hawaiian attitude. LC is also coral/reef-free meaning you will not bloody yourself in the ocean either 🙂
Please note, however, that the training is number one, surfing if it is your obsession…will have to be number two. Class will take up at least nine hours of our day. You will need sleep, hydration and rest time.
The weather in October is rainy season. Given climate change, however, rainy season typically finishes in November, with the occasional daily thunderstorm. It is HOT midday, however, Los Cardones has excellent shade structure. We will be working outdoors under a main shade structure with plenty of time for breaks, hydration and quick ocean dips. The cold water showers are also a welcomed experience at LC.
This course is a blended-learning model both in person and online to accommodate to busy lives. If you cannot make Nicaragua, there is a full online rate as well. Please message me juliamariemccabe@gmail.com.
This is course is designed so you will only need to take two weeks off work, not two months.
Pre-in person: Online classes: Sept 9- Oct 2 & Nov 4- Dec 11, M-Weds, 5-9pm PST (Vancouver time) = 120hrs
In-person Nicaragua classes: Oct 13 – 28, 2024 = 16 days x 9 hour days = 144hrs
Course completion tasks: Tests & Online Practicums (dates tba) = 20hrs
The remaining 16hrs are considered “non-contact” meaning self-study, practice teaching, readings… = 300Hrs
This course is designed for committed wellness practitioners or those committed to their own health. This is a course ideal for someone who has a simple/modest set of practices in yoga, health/fitness/mindfulness who is keen to advance their learning and understanding of yoga therapeutics. You are interested in the nexus of artful movement and therapeutics of the body, brain science and anatomy/psychology. Also, in context to modern day challenges, you love to talk about or intrigued to learn more about mental health concerns and common pathologies. Although yoga is included in this training, it is not the only focus, and students can anticipate more of a multi-disciplinary perspective with an emphasis on the human nervous system.
This can also be a Yoga Alliance registered course, if this is important to you – and an educational training built to empower you as a business owner, leader in wellness – anyone inspired to excel and refine. I don’t go by the book with the Yoga Alliance’s standards in terms of in-person time, vs not, to be transparent. However, I do go by their standards set to weed out low quality courses. Our online time is used to cover anatomy, neuro-informed and nervous system teachings etc. that works better online for visuals etc. And again, for our together time to be more efficient in covering the in person embodiment practices.
Completion Requirements:
Students must attend 80% of all classes (all classes will be recorded, however, attending whatever you can livestream for the online component is highly recommended for passing). If you miss over a week of practices, you will be given a certificate of completion (rather than the official 300Hr to teach) so to uphold the standard of this program ● Punctuality ● Class participation, kindness, professionalism, engagement, active listening and respect to fellow students and teachers ● Have a passing grade of no less than 65% in course ● Have paid the course tuition in full.
Certification of the 300Hr program will only be given upon completion of all the days, all non-contact hour homework and daily participation. If you miss over a week of classes, you will be given a certificate of completion (rather than the official 300Hr to teach) so to uphold the standard of this program. The full certification will be given once the missed days are be made up post-training on a private level. I will explain this in person.
If you are a seasoned teacher and advanced practitioner, it is essential that you arrive as an empty cup and with a beginner mindset!
ESL (English as a second language) students are welcome of course, however, please reach out, as fluency in English will be necessary to understand the range of material.
It is also important to also take time to consider if have a disease, illness or condition that may require immediate medical attention or impede the process of your learning. I welcome ALL bodies and believe in the healing medicine of this practice no matter your challenges. The breathwork and embodiment can indeed be triggering for some with PTSD etc and some practices might not be suitable if you are suffering from a certain condition. a) Please speak with your therapists and doctors to understand your contraindications.
It’s also important to know that Los Cardones is an hour from the nearest hospital. You must be someone who is up for adventure travel, be physically fit to travel by air and have consulted with your doctor before attending this training if you do have a physical condition that may be agitated or harmful if unattended to in the case of an emergency. You will not have immediate medical assistance.
The style of asana, movement and yoga therapy: The mornings both in-person and online will often begin with an embodiment and nervous system practice: embodiment and breathwork. With the yoga practice, it is important that everyone is on the same page – so I teach with simple principles of alignment. The style modulates between strong alignment, hatha yoga principles and catharsis via breath (I do this a lot in my own practice – and will teach you the physiological sigh, shaking, jumping and cleansing breath). The practice will also follow the cadence at times of a slowed down vinyasa or “power” practice with precision and alignment.
Each day there will be a focus anatomically and/or aligned with the theory of the day or previous afternoon. It will also be advanced in the sense that it will include, at minimum, an hour of pranayama and meditation and self-care practices. There will be an integration of Kundalini Kriyas that are infused with longer meditations. It will not be advanced in the sense that we will be doing wild backbends and inversions every day (only sometimes!)
The yoga therapy will be a strong integration of anatomy, physiology and philosophy – what Caroline Myss calls “symbolic sight.” The mindbodysoul connection as being one in the same. We will them in parts and then see how they marry together.
Syllabus Overview:
- Daily asana
- Journalling, pre-readings and homework preceding and during training
- 60 min daily pranayama – Neuro-informed and its therapeutic application to practice
- Musculoskeletal anatomy: bones, muscles, fascia and why this matters to yoga therapy
- Application of musculoskeletal anatomy with therapeutic movement/asana
- Body energetics, symbolic sight (seeing intuitively) and using your hands and words in a helpful manner. This is not a course to replace the knowledge of physio/chiro but rather to arm you with basic knowledge that will increase your confidence in working with private students and knowing how to respond with empathy and basic tool
- Advanced anatomy and physiology: digestion, circulation, hormones and the endocrine system
- Yoga philosophy + anatomical blueprints of the above (nadis, chakras, vayus, bandhas, kundalini)
- Neuroscience 101 and neuro-informed language: the CNS (brain, spinal cord) and PNS (peripheral nervous system)
- Meditation techniques and the nervous system
- Pathology & Stress: Mental Health and Global Wellness
- The brain science behind depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADD and other common pathologies of the mind/nervous system
- Theory and hands-on work will include learning therapeutics for common injuries and ailments. This includes building your confidence in working with and around injured students while being respectful to other modalities of healing. It will not be a lesson in extensive pedagogy (teaching yoga is not the only focus) – rather, looking anatomy, common ailments and appropriate therapeutic applications (i.e What is SI joint dysfunction? What is sciatica? What can we do as teachers?)
- Theming and in-depth sequencing of embodiment & advanced anatomy classes (i.e learning the digestive system, then learning how to build and teach a sequence to compliment this system).
- And more!
- There will be pre-readings to compliment this course, as well TBA upon registration.
- Last year there was a guest teacher who taught on the history of yoga and the lineage of Krishnamacharya – stand by on guest teachers.
- The Complete Anatomy App is also excellent as it provides 3D anatomy and is a visual study aid.
TUITION & ACCOMMODATION: Please note, most accommodation is solo and limited to a first come, first serve basis.
The below costs include 14 nights of accommodation, all three meals and beverages, taxes and educational training tuition fee (with the exception of your books and anatomy app).
Payment can be made in USD, CAD or your home currency via e-transfer, bank to bank, PayPal. However, all money must be converted to the USD amount based on that day’s bank exchange. Please note tuition fee transfers via credit card payments can also be made via Square – however, with additional Square fees as well as PayPal charges.
What’s NOT included in your tuition: Tuition fee transfers via Paypal or additional charges by your credit card carrier etc. Extra beverages (alcohol – however, is dissuaded during the training) airport pickup and drop-off, surf board rentals, massage and extra activities outside of the course and Yoga Alliance membership fee if you so choose to go that route. As well as any extra nights beyond our time.
All accommodation is solo only with the exception below. I have observed it is NOT adventageous to share space during the intense two weeks with in person- and roommates in the past often end up feeling exhausted by too much together time. Trust me on this one! It’s worth the extra investment. Option 3 is for those of you who really love to share! Or if you’re doing this with a friend.
Option 1: Beach Cabañas 1, 2 and 3 – These are solo only. They are modest, tiki thatched roof accommodation and brick-enclosed structures to stay cool, cold water showers, ceiling fans and electricity. All decks at LC are expansive and spacious with hammocks and plenty of personal space.
Option 2: Ocean View Bungalows 6, 7 and 8: The ocean bungalows are huge A-framed styled, gorgeous elevated bungalows with wood floors and ceilings, ocean facing decks (powerful at night!)
Option 3: Family Bungalows Maracuya and Calala – for only shared two people – no solo option. These are new builds on the property! They have full bathrooms with conventional bathrooms, shower/sink, air conditioning and a large terrace overlooking the ocean.
Option 1, Beach cabana, solo + all meals + training tuition:
$4000 USD LATE BIRD per person (around $5100 CAD)
Option 2, Ocean bungalow, solo + all meals + training tuition:
$4500 USD LATE BIRD per person
Option 3, Family bungalows shared with one other + all meals + training tuition:
$5000 USD LATE BIRD per person
Please email me if this option interests you to share with friend(s).
Payment Plan Options & Deadlines:
- If you register for the EARLY BIRD – your entire tuition fee is due by May 1st.
- Option two, LATE BIRD – pay 60% of your tuition and pay the remaining fee, monthly, before October 1st
- Please note, this course is non-refundable and non-transferrable to future trainings.
- Please note, I am open to other payment schedules in the case of loans etc., and life…
If you have any questions, please email: juliamariemccabe@gmail.com
Los Cardones website: https://loscardones.com/