Graduates – Bali 300hr 2014
Sami Madison
Whistler, BC
Sami. Round Two. Thank you for coming back to study with me again. Four years later and your laugh is just as contagious, your heart, twice as full. You always got me laughing with my mouth full. Go git it, tiger! Always having fun.
Rose Pelosi
Venice, California
Rose. Round two graduate. Thank you for coming back to study with me. Your practice and steadfast commitment to becoming better in every way was so inspiring to me. Keep truckin’
Steph Wall
Glasgow, Scotland
Steph Wall. You blew my socks off! I’m amazed at how far you have come since our time in Nicaragua in healing your body, raising the bar on your personal goals and taking this time in your life to accelerate who you are. I’m so honoured.
Kylie Bertruch
Porepunkah, Victoria, Australia
Kylie. Another return graduate. Thank you for returning to meet me in Bali for another month of soul grilling expansion. You are humble, have so much to offer as a teacher, have a shockingly gorgeous singing voice and red hair that I’d like to make a mattress out of.
Morgen Langer
Morgen, your path ahead is bright, your soul is inquisitive, your will is strong – this is a potent concoction for a powerful life path that I am honoured to have been a small part of.
Alice Browning
Sydney, Australia
You are funny. You also came back to study with me again. Thank you, Alice. You made our time together bounce with giddy. I am gobsmacked by your self-development, progress as a teacher since our last time and your continued perseverance as a teacher.
Stacie Tappen
Grande Prairie, Alberta
Stacie, you are a soft, sweet angel of a teacher and student – with a surprising fire and a sharp inner Buddha, helping others and giving us the best spontaneous teachings. We are wow’d by you.
Debi Bodden
Darwin, Norther Territory, Australia
You are already on the front lines, doing such wonderful work with women and children in high trauma. You are a graceful, strong leader. One of those women who should be giving TED talks but is instead quietly doing good work, one human at a time. I admire you.
Jessica Richmond
Coeur D’Alene, Idaho
Angel food cake heart. That’s what you remind me of. You are a whole lotta Idaho adorable, unabashedly open, eager to always love and willing to open up, let it all go and get stronger.