Graduates – Nicaragua 2010
Ashley John Carter
Whistler, BC
Trailblazer, Soldier for Planet Earth, Walking Encyclopedia of Universal Consciousness and all things Mindful & first male student of the 200Hr training.
Isa May Mills
Whistler, BC
Sweetest of Hearts, Champion of Easiest Laugh’s on the Ears, Dripper of Honey Dew Kindness & The One who whistles like a sailor and sometimes swears like one too. Summer 2011 Whistler Kids Yoga Camp Guru: “Where the Wild Things Om”.
Crystal Rainbow Jennings
Whistler, BC
Former Bar-Star Firefly Gone Granola, who finally arrived on the mat after listening to the generation of healers whispering her name.
Laura Zgud
Pemberton, BC
Sunshiney Smiler & Fellow Goofball who laughs like she’s twelve & then whips your ass with ninja sharp insights and the work ethic of a Navy Seals Officer.
Lynsay Connell
Pahoa, Hawaii
World traveller, Yogini of the Water Gypsy’s and Cruiseship Pirate who has a penchant for facial expressions and amazing comebacks.
Heidi Parker/Sha Kti
San Jan Del Sur, Nicaragua
Surfer Transformer Gobot from Canada to Nicaragua, who is currently swimming in the Ocean of the Glass Half Full in The Land of When Opportunity Knocks.
FB Page:
Helen O’neill
London, England
Physiotherapist, Anatomy teacher in Nica 2010, Refined Hearted Yogi who swims with the crocs, laughs at the best of jokes, heals limbs and will run miles in the sand to save fellow yogis.
Laura Balsor
Vancouver, BC
Yoga Goddess, Shining Optimist & Fellow Nerd in the Science of Life who taught me my first lessons in Quantum Physics and On Being Humble: 101.
Alexa Webster
arbondale, Colorado
Big heart, Sweet heart, free-spirited Bendy Ski Bum. My heart wishes she didn’t live so far away.
Kim Slater
Whistler, BC
A.K.A Captain Slater, Cool Brained Modern Feminist, Radical Thinker and Tree Hugger who is currently storming the front lines on behalf of Mother Earth.
Linda Haglund
Stockholm, Sweden
Surf Goddess, Poseidon’s Girl Power Sidekick (if he had one) & first Swedish Graduate of the program who is the now-acting Representative for Peace in the country’s capital.
Hillary Mefford
Portland, Oregon
Los Cardones Manager, Surf Yogini Ass-Kicker, Turtle Rescuer and Humblest of Angel Yogi’s Extraordinaire who is currently wandering the globe with a pocket full of Jai.
Jennie Small
Whistler, BC
Vegetarian Society Founder, Sweethearted Yogini, the Kindred-est of Spirits & Gentle Enviromental Evolution’er who also happens to have the cutest cheeks on the planet.
Katie Svenson
Whistler, BC
Pensive Thinker of Greek Goddess Stature Mid Asana & Scrabble Champion Nica 2010, who also laughs at ridiculous humor. She is the Below-the-Radar Doer of Good Things in General.